How critical is to have written exams?
Banks, companies, the private sector requires people with writing skills or ability to deal with subjective exams or tests professionally.
English, History, Economics and multiple subjective exams require writing capability. Our Online Test Software provides the facility to mix objective as well as writing exams. Writing exams are judged by the professionals whereas objective exams are marked instantly by the system.
Business Integration Software thrives in delivering the latest and the best institutional and the school software for any level. Exam Writing Software is one of the important features as part of the examination.
We can track writing and grammar power for the English language. In our online exam software, you can write a subjective question with a subjective answer. Subjective question and answers require skills for writing an presenting to the examiner. It requires a rich set of language and a graphical editor. Which student can use during the exam and present their answers? Has a built-in powerful schematic editor to facilitate subjective and descriptive exams. Exam Software with powerful graphics editing enables students to take writing software exams at ease.
Marking descriptive exams are not simple and require artificial intelligence with a complex algorithm to deduce the actual qualitative before giving marks. Our Online Exams allows teachers to mark subjective answers manually rather than disappoint student.
Allows positive as well as negative marking for a descriptive answer. It has built-in business rules to ensure question designed marks do not exceed and correct weight is given.
While adding the questions in Exam software examiner can also insert images which are related to the questions that help students to easily understand the depth of questions without getting disinterested.
Exam Writing Software has flexible features in order to increase the interest of students in exams in which they are capable of writing their own answer with their imagination also with subjective type answer student can write a passage in a systematic format and can add images and colours hence making examination system simple and interesting.
To more about OnlineTestPlus for Schools please get in contact with us, about our exam software.
See also
Assessment Management Software
Multiple Choice Question Software