Exams, Tests and Assessments play a vital role. Everyone at some stage has gone through the process of being tested or examined.
The question is where the data is stored and how it can be accessed by the general public. Every Institute, Examination Office, Schools, Colleges and Universities have a vast amount of data which can be made accessible for everyone's benefit.
Business Integration Software Ltd has a product called Online Test Software which does exactly what is needed for students. Our Question Bank Software allows persisting Single Choice Question Software and Multiple Choice Question Software.
Our Question Bank Software allows Single, Multiple, Quiz, Objective Type and Written type questions for Tests, Exams or Examination.
The question can be imported simply by using an excel spreadsheet or manually by scraping texts. There is a number of default parameters for questions will be created automatically and only minimal intervention is required. Question topics and question associated category will automatically be created or make use of the present in the Online Exam System.
There are two builders associated with the tests and exams called Online Test Builder and Exam Builder which further helps in building the test paper or exam paper.
Multiple Choice Question Software