At Business Integration Software we have studied taking the examination and built Online Test Software package to allow local schools and as well as international schools to take advantage of it. One of the critical aspects of exam software is full availability and bandwidth. Both play a vital role to allow students to take exams effectively. Cloud computing is our friend in this case. We are able to deploy our software on Pivotal Cloud Foundry infrastructure as well as AWS Infrastructure. It allows our Computer Based Test CBT to be 100% reliable with no resources limitation. We are able to scale our application as per the need of the institutes and schools.
we have a special exam builder to construct and assemble online exams. Our Exam Builder allows building exams from the category, sub-category or any topics, giving total freedom in a constructing versatile electronic examination paper. MCQ Software is part of the constructing multiple-choice questions with a number of associated attributes to make the same question with alternate flexibility adaptable for all kind of students. There is a provision for single choice question software and multiple-choice question software as part of the exam building. We have also introduced a subjective type of exams for art, English and similar type subjects.
Online Examination also needs to publish results and able to analyze results to provide institutes, schools and colleges evidence for achievement. We have full in-built analysis package as part of our examination software enabling students to see weakness and strength and focus at the right level. Our analysis is fully comprehensive and breaks down multiple-choice questions showing positive and negative marks. We believe letting students free on the results gives them encouragement and improves their performance.
Multiple Choice Question Software