School, colleges, universities and educational establishments are best places for education, knowledge and their future. There is an examination of the so-called exam which qualifies official title such as Diploma in Communication Technology and others. But the most important factor of career and progress in learning and keeping knowledge live all the time. Institutes or qualified centres certificates are the focus on getting a basic understanding of the subjects which can be applied in the job. Bet a basic question begs, How do we get there?
In order to achieve anything, it should gradual and agile. Assessment Management Software does exactly this to build students or pupils confidence and prepared for final ultimatum official examination. All schools have continuous Online assessment software applied in school or provided as homework to the students. Assessment should comprise of quality and should be adaptive where it caters for all kind of students irrespective of their past achievement and records. Assignment System should be able to adaptable for all the levels. With our OnlineTestPlus software, we have introduced difficulty level which can be set per question. During assessment preparation, institutes or education personnel have the choice to select a difficulty level which can be used to assemble assessment with assessment builder for students with any difficulty level or for more advanced students.
Having set a difficulty level is not as critical as preparing questions for all the levels. We need to think about a question which can be transposed into a number of question with the required and acceptable difficulty level. Online assessment management software needs to have a mechanism for assessing assessments for a required difficulty level.
Question Bank Software needs to have the option to set question and answers attribute correctly which means the same question with the different level of attributes can be applied to all the difficulty levels. It presents a challenge for the education establishment but gives flexibility for assessments.
Please visit our Assessment Management Software for further details.
Assessments should be built with the same respect as exam builder.
Multiple Choice Question Software