Exam System by Business Integration Software

Exam System
Education of any kind is necessary for man to develop socially and intellectually. Every day we learn something new. Education should be rooted in culture and committed to progress.
Each of us has a social personality that is different from everyone else, we also have a learning personality that is different from everyone else. Our learning personality is the combination of natural talent, personal interest, current opportunity, social environment, character, motivation and how the brain processes information.
In today’s world, this learning capability is judged by utilizing examinations.
Examinations are very important in judging one’s personality. Thus, the need for Online Examination Software and Online Test Software for universities, schools, colleges, and even companies for recruitment purposes.
The general paper-pen tests/exams are now being replaced by Online Test Builder and Exam Builder for software for online testing.
Examinations are part of the learning process
– An element in the Assessment
– Provocation to order thoughts
– Helps to think under pressure
– The satisfaction of knowing that studies are done
– Helps in judging one’s capabilities for career options in future
Exam Management Software enables building offline and online examination system where support for assignment and tests is given students are privilege to take advantage of offline and online work.
The task of maintaining the record of scores and the tests for which a particular candidate has appeared will be done by the portal. The progress reports can be printed at any point of time by just providing the necessary details of a candidate. The solution can also be used by faculty members to create question papers. They can provide a question bank consisting of questions of varying difficulty levels. Examination Management Software maintains the records.
Numerous sets of distinct question papers can then be printed, consisting of all type of questions in equal proportion. The same can be put to use in corporate organizations and universities or colleges.
For schools, colleges, universities managing the examination have never been easy. Now school teachers and college/university professors can manage question papers very easily.
Online test software aims to be a powerful tool for e-Learning and online education. You can create the quiz with online quiz software, question bank with Online Question Bank, certification examination questions in any language. Useful for school, college, university, teachers and professors for managing question papers and examinations. Recruiting agencies, companies can use it for candidates’ skills evaluation by conducting an online test. It is very useful for parents in the academic development of kids to improve their educational skills.
The examination software is consisting of a web server with a database facility. This server is configured with proper security measures. Clients (candidates) can connect through the internet with a web browser and devices to the server and take the exam. Examiners too can connect to the server through the internet or the intranet.
· The theory about examinations and why the need for online exam software:
The traditional approach to measuring a person level of knowledge about a topic has been the examination. These days there is often more emphasis on “internal” assessment system, which may consist of assignments and projects given out by the teacher and then marked or assessed by the same teacher.
Online Examination Software has the advantages of:
· Confidence that a large number of students are all being assessed equally.
· Reduced opportunity for cheating.
· Less marking work, where an entire year’s assignment can be made based on the output of students over 3 hours period.
This solution will aid in creating, conducting and evaluating examinations. Large organizations will be able to have a centralized database of questions, from which the tests will be prepared. Internet will be used as a media for disseminating and conducting tests, thus maintaining a uniform pattern for all the examines throughout the organization.
The task of maintaining the record of scores and the tests for which a particular candidate has appeared will be done by the portal. The progress reports can be printed at any point of time by just providing the necessary details of a candidate. The solution can also be used by faculty members to create question papers.
They can provide an online question bank consisting of questions of varying difficulty levels. Numerous sets of distinct question papers can then be printed, consisting of all type of questions in equal proportion. The same can be put to use in corporate organizations and universities or colleges.
The Internet creates opportunities for Online Examination Creator and Online Examination Builder both are more reliable and cheaper.
To see why we need to look at what the components of an examination process?
Ignoring the efforts of the examiners, there are three major components of effort required to administer an examination:
1. Create the examination, and keep the contents secure until the examination starts.
2. Supervise the examination — supervise the entry of students into the examination environment, identify them if necessary, ensure that they do not have prohibited materials or communication devices, make sure they do not communicate with each other and collect the examination papers at the end of the examination period.
3. Conduct the examinations.
Using computer technology, it should be possible to streamline these three phases, and also disconnect them from each other.
Online examination software offers the following features that throw light on its need today:
1. A) Reliability — An examination result is only useful if it can be trusted. If a potential employer judges a potential employee based on an examination result, the employer needs to trust the creative process, the supervision process, and the marking process. Where these are separated from each other, the examination result must explicitly show the parties responsible for each component of the process, i.e. who created the examination, who supervised it and who marked it (or, if it was marked automatically, what algorithm was used to mark it). Anyone judging the reliability of a result must consider all identified responsible parties.
2. B) User details — The software maintains the details for each student as well as provides a facility for editing the student details if required. There is Password-based access for Individual Answer Sheet, General Mark Lists, and Trends Graphs.
The functioning of the Online Examination Software
The online test software is consisting of a web server with a database facility. This server is configured with proper security measures. Clients (candidates) can connect through the internet with a web browser (Example: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, iPhone, Android, and Tablets, etc) to the server and take the exam. Examiners too can connect to the server through the internet or through the intranet for setting up papers and to do other related tasks. There are two options available to have a web server facility
· Option 1 -Having an in-house webserver
In online test software, the webserver and database management software is installed for management of databases, these databases could be Candidates database, Online Question Bank database the automated evaluation is carried out a separate database for evaluation purposes.
· Option 2 — Obtain web hosting facility with server-side programming and database facility from a web hosting service provider
Under this setup, the developers upload locally developed server scripts to the web server through the internet and set up the databases remotely with the obtained server facility and there is no software administration involved.
2. The Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
Online Examination Software is a web-based application. The online examination software can be modified and customized to suit the need of any Educational Institutions, Primary and Secondary Schools, Colleges, Professional and Vocational Institutes, Universities or Training Academies. This software is particularly suited to conduct competitive exams like recruitment exams and Common Entrance Tests of various states as it will save valuable time spent on assessing the answer books and the results can be obtained immediately. Online Exam Software offers the following:
· Fully automated web-based online examination system
· Register students online
· Automated test creation / randomized questions
· Centralized administrator controls
· All the features are customization
How online test software works: The software maintains the details for each student as well as provides a facility for editing the student details if required. There is Password-based access for Individual Answer Sheet, General Mark Lists, and Trends Graphs. Authentication is provided Via Sessions and the password is stored in encrypted form (MD5 hash) in the database.
A brief description of how online test software works:
Applicants (Candidates) apply for the exam online or through another medium
· After evaluating the applications admissions are sent to the accepted candidates
· Candidates register and take the exam and submit the answers.
· After evaluating answers examiner issues result.
The online test software aims at reducing costs associated with conducting exams over a while and achieving total automation of examination software- related tasks like registration, a publication of results, which leads to a very high degree of software efficiency.
2.2 Product Features
Some basic facilities provided by the software are listed below. They will be discussed further in greater detail.
Few of them are:
1. Inbuilt Question Bank Software for exam questions with the built-in exam builder.
2. Access anywhere, anytime Application
3. Exam Format intuitive and easy to navigate.
4. Administrators load the questions into the database
5. Examinations are generated automatically as per student selections
6. Online Exam and online questions can be edited, deleted, and re-used anytime
7. Faculty can also upload the required study material and references for test-takers.
8. Communities or groups can be formed for specific organizations.
9. The results can be viewed online and printed.
10. A variety of analysis options based on different parameters or combinations of different parameters for faculty/examiners conducting the test.
2.3 User Characteristics
The users of this software are precisely students and teachers. Students need to know how to access the internet and make their profiles with the software. Teachers need to possess a good skill of certain languages that have to be used while uploading of questions etc. overall users of this software do not need to have a very high technical know-how. The teachers also need to identify the need to upload study material and practice tests. The assessment which can be done in various forms requires an understanding of basic mathematical functions and graphs. This software is user-friendly.
2.4 Operating Environment
The software will be a web-based application, meaning it runs from a browser. The product should be able to be run from a remote client machine with an Internet connection. The software is cloud-based and runs on Software like Amazon Cloud Server. All the software is licensed based where the upfront cost is a minimal number of students, students, session and tests all are customized and licensed.
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints
· The software will not contain any audio component to enable the visually impaired to use the product.
· The medium of instruction multi-lingual.
User Documentation
An online product guide and a sitemap will be embedded in the product website.
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies
All the software and hardware products mentioned are assumed to be available with the developers. To fulfil server space constraints any freely available format converters could be used.
3. Software Features
3.1 Basic Features
· Type of Questions:
Questions can be multiple-choice, true/false, short answer (fill in the blank), multiple answers, checkboxes, and subjective questions with negative and positive markings.
· Exams can be timed or untimely.
1. Exams can be turned on or off and have a date range for each exam.
2. The online test software can automatically create exams by randomly choosing questions from your exam question database.
iii. The online test software will randomly order the questions for each student.
· The total number of questions can vary from paper to paper.
Answers processed and marks awarded Instantly. Results can be viewed immediately upon Submission. Generation of Individual Answer Sheets, General Mark Lists Summary (Total marks Obtained) as well as Detailed (Topic Wise marks Obtained).
· The topics in the detailed General Mark List can be specified by you along with the minimum pass marks for the subject.
· Can include pictures, graphics files in the questions of the Online examination.
· The computerized online examination software has a facility to Add students’ details, View Student List as well as Edit student details. The Student details that you wish to store in the database can be specified by you.
· The Customized Online examination software has a password-based authentication software for students as well as Software Administrator.
· The Software Administrator as well the Student can change their passwords. Besides, the administrator can edit all the details of the student.
· Practice Tests — You’ll have the option of simply providing a large bank of practise test questions that users can practice with, or to provide a tutorial area as well, making your product a full test prep “course” as opposed to a bank of practice questions.
· Results: Students and instructors get instant results. Results can also be printed as soon as the test finishes.
3.2 Advanced Features
· The examiner who uploads the questions gets an option of specifying whether the questions can be used for practice tests or not. • The candidate should be able to register online for the examination after accepting the application (Optional) • The software should be capable of issuing online-admission cards (index numbers/ or passwords) for exam entry. (Optional)
3 Communications Requirements
Communication Requirements for the software to work are:
· Web Browsers and Devices
· Wi-Fi
4. Non-Functional Requirements:
4.1. Performance Requirements
· Should be capable of giving access to concurrent users without degrading the software performance and accept answers.
· Sessions of each candidate should be synchronized with server and duration calculations should be done according to the server time.
4.2. Safety Requirements
· The software should be designed in as a secured software applying safety measures
· Special exception handling mechanism should be in place to avoid software errors.
· In the case of scenarios where data integrity can be compromised, measures should be taken to ensure that all changes are made before the software is shut down.
4.3. Security Requirements
· Only registered students can access a test.
· The test can be made available on specific dates.
· The test can be made available at specific times.
· The number of times students access tests can be set.
· The login time per student is available.
· Logoff time per student is available.
· The software should be synchronized with the server time and should be capable of disabling the answer sheet automatically after a timeout.
4.4. Software Quality Attributes Availability:
The software should be available 24/7. It should always provide real-time information.
Reliability: The software should be robust enough to have a high degree of fault tolerance. The software should not crash and should identify the invalid input and produce a suitable error message. It should be able to recover from hardware failures, power failures, and other natural catastrophes and rollback the databases to their most recent valid state. Usability: The software should provide an easy-to-use graphical interface similar so that the users do not have to learn a new style of interaction. The web interface should be intuitive and easily navigable Users should be able to understand the menu and options provided by the software. Any notification or error messages generated, should be clear, succinct, polite and free of jargon. Integrity: Only software administrator has the right to change software parameters, such as pricing policy etc. The software should be secure and must use encryption to protect the databases. Users need to be authenticated before having access to any personal data.
There are many examination software available in the market today. In this part of the discussion, we will briefly describe the existing software and undermine the features of the proposed software. These features are the improvements or advantages of our proposed software over the existing software. Exam Software, Exam-Pro Software, Exam 9 products, summation Technologies and many more are the widely used online examination of software today.
Please contact examination software for further details regarding products and organization.
Some of the niche products by Business Integration Software Ltd listed here.
Multiple Choice Question Software
Examination Management Software