In modern days of programming requirement changes continuously and in the industry, we replace with word called agile. To be agile one must be able to make continuous changes without impacting users. As we all know certain changes are expansive and require intense testings with Subject Matter Experts but we still want to continue with the normal development.
We require certain features to be user-specific or providing functionality to the least number of audience for an initial trial period. Feature Toggle facility can be used to restricting to specific users or group of users.
What does this mean?
We can develop a feature on a continuous basis without affecting the wider audience. Which will keep our Scrum Master and Product Owner happy?
How can we apply this in our software?
It can be done in a number of ways. In this article, we will simply do it through the command line as follows:
- if (FT_USERS contains {CLIENT_ARRAY}) {
- // DO client-specific code
- } else {
- // Do default implementation
- }
The above concept is any programming language independent. As you can see with very little effort one can get a user-centric feature toggle.
Please visit the number of commercial products using Feature Toggle functionality.
Assessment Management Software
Multiple Choice Question Software